Saturday, 6 June 2009

Day 44 - Revisiting colleagues and friends

Only brief notes for Day 44, as I'm enjoying reunions with frends and family.

I really enjoyed the canal walk from Kinver, the Staffs and Worcester twisting through pretty countryside alongside the Stour.

The "Monarch's Way" long distance footpath joins the towpath at Stourton and stayed with me for most of the day.

Every walker, cyclist exchanged a greeting and those on boats were happy to chat. It's a social place.

Fred and Marion chatted with me about their involvement with the Boaters' Christian Fellowship.

I reached Botterham lock, where I used to sit with colleagues during summer lunch times. It must be over twenty years since Andy just about managed a standing jump across the lock.

I ducked down the narrow path onto Wombourne's industrial estate and spent an hour and a half at the company where I worked for fourteen years. I was visiting on the day after the twenty-fifth anniversary of the start of my employment. It was great to catch up.

Back on the canal to The Bratch and then onto the disused railway, whose path led me to Castlecroft in Wolverhampton.

I reached Rob and Emma's house just before seven and before long, Jennifer joined us.

My walking verse for the day was Romans 6.4, "We have been buried with Jesus by baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life."

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